It is almost impossible to have a business and use technology and not be at risk of attacks. Security, both physical and virtual, is a growing problem. TG Security offers solutions to both problems.
Confronting the challenges of physical security, we offer alarm systems and video surveillance systems. Security systems can protect your business from physical attack. Video surveillance also assists in physically securing your business, and can also prevent fraud and abuse by monitoring your physical premises.
Virtually, TG Security provides solutions to secure your data, information, and communications. You cannot turn on the news without hearing about a company that is attacked or lost information. Our company will assist you in all aspects of securing your information andcommunications. From firewalls, virus protection, authentication/access control, and monitoring/auditing we can assist you in securing your network.
Persistent real-time monitoring, Physical and Virtual Security solutions, powerful firewalls, detailed disaster recovery procedures, video surveillance in high definition scaled to your needs. Feel free to explore our services to see how we can protect your business!
We combine the cabling, IT/IS and Network Services offered by Lan Tel Services with offerings of custom surveillance servers, and partnerships with industry-leading vendors to ensure we provide you the best service, at the best price!
Since we are a division of a successful local Telecom provider we are a one-stop-shop for everything you need to secure your business! From cabling and deploying IP cameras to configuring your firewall we are by your side every step of the way.